Is it over; or is there still more to come?
It seems as though the worst of the rain has bypassed my neighborhood, unless it poured before I was awake. It might have done so; and given the forecast, I decided not to try going out for groceries. I didn\’t even get up until past 10 am — what a rare luxury! I wish I could do that more often; because, when I can, I feel all the better for it.
The forecast still says there\’s a 90% chance of showers in the next hour or so; and the wind sounds like it\’s getting stronger, too. The low temperature tonight will be below 40 degrees.
Tomorrow it will still be windy; and cloudy until mid-morning. The chill factor will be most unpleasant, I\’ve no doubt. It\’s likely to feel like the temperature is below freezing!
How to dress for a ride in such conditions? Layering! 1) undershirt; 2) long-sleeved blouse; 3) vest (in my case, an old cycling jacket sans sleeves); 4) cycling jacket; 5) leg warmers; 6) double socks; 7) skull cap; 8) heavy gloves. And possibly yet another windbreaker; and maybe an old pair of slacks over the leg warmers!
The problem with that is, my Camel-Bak pockets don\’t have much room for me to stuff clothing into them because of all the other stuff I carry. If I start to feel too warm, the best I can do is to unzip things.
I\’m glad it\’s not expected to rain tomorrow. Cold and wind make bike handling difficult enough. Rain only makes it harder; and chills me through on top of it all. So, is it over? Rain, rain, go away!