Oh yeah? Enough surprises for a while? Was I wrong! I got yet another surprise today.
A few minutes ago I went into the kitchen, and was astounded to see a lizard perched on the edge of the counter; one of those little green ones that are very common here. (Most people call them chameleons; but they\’re actually anoles.)
I was hanging out in my bathrobe, having recently returned from a ride. I though of catching the critter in a jar; and letting it sit long enough for me to get dressed and take the jar outside. Then I could let the lizard go.
Oh, yeah? That\’s not so easy! Anoles are hard to snag. They seem to be quite wary; and they\’re very quick. Even if you manage to grab one in your hand, it\’s hard to hang onto it.
Then I remembered: anoles eat insects. Beginning in June I\’ve had a lot of tiny six-legged invaders. I don\’t know why the sudden invasion; I\’d never had that problem before. But a lizard in here might take care of some of those cucarachas!