
The Countdown Continues

\"theThe countdown continues. I decided to add an item to the list: I\’m going to take along my spare rear derailer hanger.

Naturally I don\’t expect to need it; but if I do I\’ll be more than glad to have it with me. There will be SAG service, but they might not have such an item available.

SAG? What\’s that, you say? I\’ve seen two explanations: One, SAG stands for Support and Gear. Two, that the SAG wagon can pick up a rider who \”sags\”, i.e. is unable to continue.

The countdown continues with a check o the weather forecast; and things still looks good. Fifty-nine degrees might be too cool for half-fingered gloves, so I\’ll pack along full-fingered gloves; and I can change if need be. But I might be able to get away with just the cycling jacket, and not need the vest.

I\’m going to ned leg warmers for sure; and probably the skull cap. If I were merely heading out the front door and going straight into a ride, I\’d be giving less thought to layers. Tomorrow I\’ll be standing around as much as an hour before starting, which is plenty of time for me to get too cold. On second thought, I\’d better pack along that vest, too!