
I\’m Getting Somewhere!

\"arrowWell, I\’m getting SOMEwhere, even if the path seems twisted and twining.

I finally got the links on the first slide of My Story to work! Apparently the problem was that the image was too big; and the buttons were too small.

Now I\’m having similar difficulties with the second slide. At rate it\’s going, the pic will be down to thumbnail size; and it will still be too big!

Another problem is that the slide doesn\’t look the same way on the site as it does in the slide-editor screen. Things move themselves. Trying to get them nicely spaced seems to be an exercise in futility. They also re-size themselves. If only I had Goldilocks here, maybe I could get it just right.

I seem to have made progress in my riding, too. Think of that: I\’m getting somewhere! I might have progressed more quickly if I had done my hardest kind of workout twice a week instead of once a week; and included a few more \”force intervals\” in each  hard workout.

I didn\’t think it was necessary to train as though I had a racing season coming up in two months; and I still don\’t. There\’s no sense in training so hard that I no longer enjoy riding or, worse, injure myself. Worst of all would be going at it so hard that wound up hating bicycles and anything to do with them. That wouldn\’t be \”progress\” at all!