
I Bee’d Lucky

I Bee'd Lucky

I bee'd lucky spokeasy blog post

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I bee’d lucky yesterday! I had gone outdoors briefly; and wasn’t wearing any kind of head covering. Suddenly something landed on top of my head. I picked it off, expecting it to be a small twig; but it was a honeybee! I’m fortunate it didn’t sting me. Maybe the weather was chilly enough that the bee was sluggish; and slow to react.

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Between taking my damaged sunglasses to an optical shop; and waiting for my landlady to come by and pick up the rent; I didn’t get out to ride until 3 pm. I guess I bee’d lucky there, too. Chances for rain are increasing; but while I was riding, all the clouds were of the high, thin, white variety. By 10 pm it was raining; and this morning it was still drizzling. So I bee’d less fortunate as far as today’s ride goes!

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About noon the sun started to come out. I wanted a few groceries🍌🥕; but didn’t want to ride to the store during the lunch-hour craziness. I waited until about 2 pm. I wore my Hoka shoes; and they’re somewhat of a problem. They’re bigger than my old sneakers; and getting them into my toe clips is awkward. I feel like I’m wearing huge clodhoppers! But my left foot needed the extra toe space prior to surgery.

 I hope I’ll soon be riding 10-12 miles a day; still focusing on not pressing down too much with my feet. Maybe even riding to the salvage store Saturday!