

Give It Up

Give It Up

I might as well give it up when it comes to seeing the comet. There’s simply too much light pollution around here. The time frame for spotting it is nearly past, too.

I hope I never have to give it up when it comes to cycling. For one thing, I really need the exercise!

With Fall — and, we hope, cooler weather — approaching, it’s time to get that cold-weather cycling wardrobe ready. With the right clothes, there’s no need to go into hibernation for the Winter!

When the morning temperatures are still around 70 degrees, a long-sleeved blouse often suffices; but as it drops below 70, I’ll need a jacket.  The jacket shown has elastic cuffs; but I prefer one with velcro sleeve openings. It’s easier to get it on even after I’ve donned heavy gloves.

Keeping my hands warm during cold-day rides has always been a problem for me. Not even heavy gloves do the trick. Two seasons ago, I began using hand warmers; and they help a lot. Unfortunately my feet still get cold, even with thermal socks. That doesn’t automatically mean that the socks aren’t any good; I just get cold easily.

Once the temperatures start falling below the mid-60s, I want leg warmers. They’re far less binding than regular slacks; and if it warms up during a ride, leg warmers are easily removed. They also take much less space in a Camel-Bak pocket than a pair of jeans.

Keeping your head warm is very important; we hear all the time that we lose a lot of body heat through our heads. A helmet liner works well; and is especially useful if your helmet is well ventilated.

Jacket, gloves, leg warmers, and helmet liner are just a few of the items that come in handy when the mercury begins to drop. The problem is, none of it keeps my nose from running!