
I Think It\’s Working!


I think it\’s working! The exercises I began last November to improve my force on the bike seem to have had an effect.

Yes, I think it\’s working; but I\’m not about to work out until I collapse. For a recreational rider like me, it isn\’t necessary; and it would take all the pleasure out of riding. It would also mean that I\’d be too tired to perform adequately at my job.

Lately I feel stronger; and having had almost no wind the last two morning rides has helped. It used to be hard to attain a speed of 15 mph at all. Now I can hold to it for longer and longer.

This week I\’m skipping the force exercises, but next week I\’ll be at it again; and trying for 60-90 seconds. If the effort doesn\’t cause my heart rate to rise into its maximum range, I\’ll need to schedule some deliberate efforts to get into Zone 5. If there\’s a strong wind on Tour de Cure day,  struggling against it could well push me into Zone 5; and I need more practice in riding at such an intensity for more than a few seconds.

That\’ll take some doing, though. Last time I tried that, it took up to two minutes for me to get my HR into the desired range. My legs were giving out too soon! So, does that mean I need a lot more work on my force before the Zone 5 efforts?

I believe it\’s been said that training is an art as much as a science. I\’d say that\’s right.