
In Case of Emergency?

\"inThe trainer is in case of emergency. See it holding the rear wheel? I don\’t like \”riding\” that way at all. It can\’t possibly compare to being outdoors and pedaling along the path; but some days outdoor exercise is simply not on the table.

But it\’s easy to overheat when using the trainer to \”ride\”; even with the window unit aimed right at me, and the ceiling fan turning overhead.

To make things worse, \”riding\” in the trainer is mind-numbing in the extreme.  A half hour in the trainer seems like an eternity; and in fact, I\’d say it takes \”boring\” to an entirely new level.

I also am always concerned that I might not have the bicycle properly secured. Will I always be able to wiggle that rear wheel a little after fastening it in? Will I cause damage if I fasten that wheel too tightly? But I don\’t want to land on the floor because the wheel is loose. Ouch.

But if the weather is truly terrible the trainer lets me get some minimal exercise; and that\’s better than none at all. \”Terrible weather\” doesn\’t mean when it\’s already 80 degrees at 5 am. We get that for months on end! I mean if w a tropical storm is moving in; or if bad T-storms all day are in the forecast; or if the temperatures have dropped below freezing. That\’s \”in case of emergency\”.