
What\’s YOUR Group?

\"what\'sWhat\’s your group?

As cyclists, we have a pack. Or a pace line, peloton, group ride, etc.

Then there are other groups. Most of them are new to me, all right. I didn\’t know this morning that I was looking at a gaze of raccoons!

I first saw their eyes gleaming, and though I was seeing reflective material on the backs of somebody\’s shoes. As I got closer, I saw a group — sorry, a gaze — of \’coons!

I didn\’t have the chance to count them; but I\’d guess there were five or six. This was at about the same place where I saw a single raccoon several months ago; and it looks like that \’coon found a mate and started a family.

I\’m glad they moved away from the path, rather than trying to run across it to get to their hideout. If they had, it could have been very bad news for me!

I suppose you don\’t belong to a gaze; so what\’s your group? Probably not a parliament; but perhaps you belong to a peloton!

I often see pace lines of other cyclists when I\’m out riding. They typically whiz past me so fast, I feel like I\’m backing up! Sometimes, when there\’s a curve in the path a way ahead, I see such a line approaching from the opposite direction. If it\’s still dark, I see the line of their headlights as they round the curve; and I love the sight. There\’s something beautiful about it. When they\’re actually passing me, it\’s not quite so pretty. Those lights can be blinding; but I\’m sure my headlight is just as bright to them.

Maybe one of these days I\’ll find my group; but I\’m still too slow for most pace lines!