

Cabin Fever

\"cabinI got cabin fever today!

I skipped the lunchtime ride to the store, because there were dishes waiting to be washed; and I didn\’t want to leave them for the evening. Thus once I got back from my morning ride on the road bike, I hardly poked my nose outdoors all day.

Add to that working from home, which has me sitting almost immobile for hours at a time. It\’s hard to keep myself from slumping in a position that\’s hard on the back of my neck. It\’s also difficult to keep myself from hyperextending my right wrist.

I seemed to get much tireder that I did on the days when I did make a lunchtime run to get a soda. Staying indoors so much becomes quite oppressive.

By the time I clocked out for the day, I just wanted to get out. I decided to ride the hybrid over to the drug store; not that I really needed to get anything, but I needed to get moving.

Right inside the store entrance was a display of T-paper. I decided to get some while I could (yeah, I know — panic buying!) I got a soda to put away for tomorrow, and some ice cream. Talenti is rather expensive, but I love those reusable containers!

As I commented to the people behind me in the checkout line, the worst part about this coronavirus business is not knowing how long it will last. I suspect that I have more days of cabin fever in store.