Working from home makes me an active couch potato. If only I had a nice table to work on, it might help a little.
But I have to sit on the floor! The only table I have is a TV-dinner-tray style folding thing that\’s meant to be used over a wheelchair. If I use it, I have to be VERY careful how I move my legs. If I dare to move them at all. One bump and that \”table\” is likely to collapse. My legs start to feel cramped from being held so still. The ironing board is about the right height, but I\’m afraid it\’s not sturdy enough; and too unsteady as well.
I\’m wary of using the kitchen counter, which of course is right next to the sink. I can just see myself turning on the faucet and soaking that work laptop. I think the counter is really a little bit too high, besides. Set the laptop on top of the bed? That\’s too low!
So here I am, on the floor for hours at a time. Of course I move my legs around, but that\’s not really enough activity to help. This work-from-home routine began this past Tuesday, and from the first day I\’d go out at lunchtime to get a soda, just to get outdoors and moving.
I don\’t know how long this will continue. We might or might not be called back to regular work by Monday. I won\’t be surprised it\’s longer than that.
Working from home is rather weird. On the one hand, I can take longer rides in the morning because I don\’t have to rush off to get to work. On the other, the line between home and work gets blurry really fast. I much prefer to keep them separate.