It’s easy to let some things get shortchanged. In my eagerness to work towards my Love to Ride mileage goal, I too often neglect cooking. Heavy work on this web site hasn’t helped!
Sunday is normally long-ride day; but today I decided to skip it and head for the supermarket. The salvage store had little in the way of produce yesterday; and I needed bananas; onions; and other items.
When I go out for a 40-mile ride, I often don’t get much else done when I get back home. It’s usually late morning by then; and of course I’m tired. I don’t feel like rushing around the kitchen. Cooking projects can be time-consuming, too; and today I really needed to take the time to cook!
My project this morning was Pink North; a new Hoppin’ John variation. I used canned beans and canned tomatoes for it; so that’s three fewer cans taking up space.
I also concocted a garbage soup; and that got rid of three more cans. I’ve got to be sure I keep a supply of canned goods in case a hurricane heads our way; but I have so much that I don’t think I’ll run out soon.
Cycling is a great way to develop and maintain fitness; but it’s only part of fitness. Proper nutrition is a big part of the picture; and I’ve let nutrition get badly shortchanged for the last five months or so. I’m due to have my A1c levels checked next month; and I fear the results will not be good!
I’ve been trying to get back into proper meal planning; but it’s not easy! And it’s already Sunday evening; time to get ready for another work week. That means less time for meal planning!