
Both Ways

both ways wind headwind salvage store trailer compass

You can’t have it both ways, they say; but that’s not always accurate. I had a lot of headwind both ways today. That happens when it’s blowing from the NNW!

I rode to the salvage store; and today I took the trailer. Sometimes the wind was from the side; and it was strong enough that the trailer acted like a sail. I could feel it pushing me around.

The grab-bag bins were nearly empty again. I got spoiled when they were heaped with all sorts of things; and I might find six FitCrunch bars, in addition to many other items.

FitCrunch Birthday Cake
One of my favorite on-bike foods

But for several weeks, the salvage store has had Gatorade Whey Protein bars for sale, $1.11 each. That seems expensive after the bargain-basement prices of the grab-bag bins; but it’s still cheaper than the regular price. I’m buying them up while I have the chance.

I keep saying that I have too many canned goods at home; and I still bring home more! I already had plenty of dried beans on hand; and I got more lentils! Do I expect a sudden doomsday to keep me indoors for several months?

That’s what all that COVID-19 business did to me. Where I live it never came to shut-in orders; but I keep on as though it still might happen. Oh, well. Be prepared, they say!

Long ride tomorrow. There will still be a wind, but at least I won’t be dragging that trailer along; and a Northeast wind probably won’t give me a headwind both ways. I’m thinking about ride food; and that reminds me, I’ve got to get some cooking done.