This afternoon my new washing machine had its \”maiden voyage\”.
And the thing drove me crazy! I\’m didn\’t know how to \”navigate\” the settings; and the user\’s manual, alas, doesn\’t say how to program the machine! I finally got it to go; but when it came time for the wash water to drain, it gushed out so fast that I couldn\’t manage it. I had to shut the machine off while I mopped up the kitchen floor; and then I couldn\’t get it to start up where I had left off.
I began all over again; and this time I finally got the laundry done! The spin cycle gets much more water out of my clothes than the old James washer\’s wringer did, even when the wringer was still good; and that\’s good news. It means the laundry will dry that much faster; and I don\’t have to stress my hands and wrists wringing the stuff by hand.
This feels like déjà vu; and I hope I don\’t need six months to develop an efficient laundry routine. That\’s what happened with the James washer; and it got pretty tedious!
Incidentally, \”maiden voyage\” makes me think of the Titanic; and we know how that ended! Thank goodness my misadventure with the washing machine wasn\’t quite so disastrous; but it was bad enough for me.
Now I\’m thinking about tomorrow\’s long ride; and the forecast says, 70% chance of rain. I have Monday and Tuesday off; and Monday will be clear, but much cooler than tomorrow. I can ride long tomorrow, and keep my fingers crossed that it won\’t rain on me; or wait for Monday and ride cold. Some choice that is.
02/27/22 last night I finally found the \”how to program\” instructions, on a separate piece of paper! Why isn\’t it part of the user\’s manual?