I was the wimp again Tuesday morning. Same old story, right?
I intended to work at 4-minute intervals of pushing for at least 15 mph. Outward bound, I did OK, even though my legs felt rather sore; but coming back home, I could hardly do anything! For the first effort on that half of the ride, I couldn’t sustain it for a full 4 minutes; and after that I was reduced to intermittent efforts that lasted 30 seconds, at most. I had a headwind, and it seemed pretty strong.
As I found out afterwards, the wind was not as strong as I thought. It felt like a 10-12 mph wind; and it was only 5-6 mph. Then yesterday we got some get some rough weather; including strong wind! In fact, I thought I might be the wimp again today and ride laps around the park. Gusts up to 30 mph are no joke when I’m up there on top of the levee!
I often do my \”force\” workout on Thursday; but this week I switched it around. I knew that wind conditions today were likely to be really tough; and sometimes it doesn\’t do to be \”tough\”.
Friday, October 29, 2021: well, I need to make an addendum here. I came home yesterday to an Internet outage; and was unable to complete this blog. I only got Internet back a few minutes ago (about 6:05 pm).
Back to the wimp again subject. Yesterday morning the wind wasn\’t bad yet; but I rode in the park anyhow. When I got on the bike, my legs said, \”NO! We\’re not going up that access ramp!\” I decided to go to the park, and make it a recovery-type ride.
It\’s surprisingly hard to stay in heart rate Zone 1; and getting a water bottle in and out of its cage sends my heart rate into Zone 2!
By late morning a wind advisory went into effect; and when the wind is that strong, I\’m actually glad if I didn\’t ride to work!