Measure for measure sounds like Shakespeare. But after many months of working at my diet, I find myself thinking about that play\’s title because I never seem to stop washing measuring cups.
I dare go only so far with eyeballing my portions. We\’ve all heard about portion distortion, I think; and if I don\’t want to fall victim to it, I have to put up with constant portioning-out; and the consequent dishwashing.
It\’s amazing how small a serving size can seem. Canned salmon, for example. The label gives the serving size as 1/3 cup. Put that amount into a 2-cup bowl, and it looks like nothing! I can see how easy it is to fall victim to portion distortion.
Preparing a lunch to carry to work takes more time when I need to be conscious of my portion sizes. That\’s why I usually fix lunch the evening before. Besides that, preparing a lunch and eating breakfast at the same time is too frantic for me.
There\’s also the prep for the next day\’s breakfast, if I plan to have something that\’s not super fast and easy to prepare. Again, preparing breakfast means serving-size awareness!
I wish that time spent on kitchen work could turn itself into some extra miles on the bike; measure for measure.