Just call me The Plodder. I\’m still quite the slowpoke! During my Sunday long rides, I don\’t want to push too hard for too long. I might end up burned out far from home; and then getting home would be a miserable slog. Today for example, I averaged only 11.61 mph over 29 miles.
At the same time, I get the feeling that I can ride a bit more strongly against the wind than I used to. This is where a power meter can be useful. Speed can actually be deceptive, because so many variables come into it. A strong headwind can push your speed way down, but X watts is X watts; headwind, steep climb, or what. A power meter would let me see whether I\’m actually improving. Unfortunately power meters are too expensive for me.
So I was the plodder this morning, as is only too usual; but at least I rode the return leg non-stop, which is a bit of progress. Most of the time I need to make a halt or two on the way back home. Often I\’m slow enough that the time comes to reapply sunblock before I can get home; and I can\’t do that while I\’m riding! Incidentally, how do Grand Tour riders manage that?
The weather is feeling more Spring-like. Soon I can dispense with the leg warmers, which will mean less laundry; but it will also mean using a lot more sunblock. I\’m glad I have several tubes of it in reserve. Not needing to wear a cycling jacket also helps lessen the laundry load; but it means the drawback of fewer pockets.
Soon I\’ll be hauling out the sun sleeves. And carrying along more electrolyte drink. But I\’m quite sure of this: I\’ll still be the plodder!