

May 2023

Hee Haw

Hee Haw? Hee Haw was the name of a TV show way back when. Anyway, I found myself thinking “hee haw” yesterday, when I tried out my new Camel-Bak Mule. I couldn’t figure out how to manage the drinking tube; so I guess I have to find a YouTube (no pun intended) that can show me what to do! My old Camel-Bak didn’t have any such complications as magnetic tube holders; and if it hadn’t developed a split in the shell’s fabric, I would have kept on using it. Aside from that split, it still had plenty of wear left in it. Why this model of Camel-Bak is called “mule”, I don’t know; unless it’s because the pockets can hold enough stuff to fell a mule. That would be great for a long ride, if you don’t mind the load on your back. I’m not back to a full load of water just yet; but I’ve begun to pack along the tube of Chamois Butt’r. I’m tying to extend my Sunday ride by a mile or so each week; and while I’m at it, I need to work back towards my full load (3 liters of water; Chamois Butt’r; toilet paper; and cable lock!) Gosh, I feel like a pack mule now. Hee haw! Yesterday I did 22.7 miles; and I think next Sunday I’ll aim for 25 miles. That’s still a long way from RAGBRAI‘s average of 65 miles per day; so it’s a good thing I’m not aiming for this year’s ride!  

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Activ Life Wheel Lights

Activ Life Wheel Lights These Activ Life Wheel Lights would have come in handy yesterday! Ordinarily, stuff like this is too gaudy for my taste; but when it’s raining, visibility is extra-critical. These wheel-mounted lights have LED illumination that’s easily visible from any angle. Suitable for riders of any age; and they come in a pack of two. Manufacturer’s lifetime warranty. $26.99 I’ve seen bicycles equipped with such lights; and they certainly are eye-catching. Maybe I’d want some Activ Life Wheel Lights if I did a big ride, such as RAGBRAI; but then, as far as I can see, RAGBRAI riders don’t ride in the dark. I don’t ride in the dark much, now that I’m retired; except at full-moon time. This month I missed it, because yesterday morning it was overcast. Today was more than overcast — it rained like crazy for a while!

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I Lost

I Lost! I lost the gamble with the weather today. ? The forecast showed heavy rain and T-storms beginning late morning or early  afternoon. I figured I would have time to get to the salvage store and back; and besides, yesterday’s forecast was similar. And then it didn’t storm; and it’s annoying to be on tenterhooks all day, waiting for all fury to break loose. On top of that, I wanted the exercise; so off I went. And, as I said, I lost the gamble. The sky already looked pretty stormy at 7:30 am; especially towards the North. While I waited for the salvage store to open, it kept getting darker. Naturally I didn’t like the looks of that! Before the store opened, the first flash of lightning came; and as I was going through the store, I heard rain and thunder. Just before I got finished at the checkout, it began to pour like mad. There was quite a lot of lightning, too; and some of it was pretty close! I waited at least 10 minutes for things to calm down a bit, along with several other customers who didn’t want to get soaked. When the rain eased up, I decided to head out.  It was still raining; but the lightning had moved off somewhat. I was still nervous about riding on top of the levee; but luckily the atmospheric electricity didn’t give me trouble. In addition, I couldn’t be sure when things might turn really nasty again!  By the time I reached home, the rain had almost stopped. There might be more coming; or else other areas nearby are getting heavy downpours. We’re under a flood advisory! So here I am, with a dripping poncho; and multiple cardboard boxes full of stuff — and I don’t need them to get wet. I hope it isn’t raining on Moving Day!

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Noonday Sun

Noonday Sun I was out in the noonday sun again, just like that mad dog. But if you want to take your pooch along on a bicycle ride at any time of day, this Bike Tow Leash helps keep your pet safe. This leash is designed to prevent tangling and tipping; and can be used on most bicycles; mobility scooters; and tadpole-style adult tricycles. The Bike Tow Leash is suitable for dogs weighing 10-185 pounds; and has a 5-star rating from the American Pet Association. Made for left-hand-side usage; and is easy to install. $186.00 While this product might seem expensive, I’m sure it’s worth it. I don’t have a dog; but if I did, I think I would want one of these leashes. Sometimes I see people riding a bicycle one-handed, while hanging onto a standard leash with the other hand. What’s going to happen if the rider suddenly HAS to use both hands? That might mean a nasty crash; or having “Rover” end up under the wheels of a car. Or even both! My noonday sun expedition was a hike to the drug store. I rode over 14 miles this morning; and my legs were rather tired. And sometimes I simply don’t feel like having to lock up a bicycle. It’s about 84 degrees; and starting to cloud up a bit. Maybe I ought to go for another ride, because there’s chance for severe T-storms tomorrow. On the other hand, we’ve got an air quality alert in effect. It’s level “Orange”; so I would probably be OK as far as air quality goes. Ultra-violet rays, however, are another story; and sometimes I get tired of slathering on  sunblock!  

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Next Winter

Next Winter Next Winter?! Why am I already thinking about that when May is only just begun? It doesn’t hurt to plan ahead! I, for one, don’t want to be frantically scrambling to find Winter gear when it’s freezing outside. These GripGrab leg warmers sound like a good choice for a chilly morning; or for a chilly afternoon, for that matter. Fleece lining keeps your leg muscles warm; yet these warmers are breathable to help prevent overheating. That sounds good for those long rides when your legs do start to feel too hot; but it’s still too cold to take your leg warmers off! GripGrab leg warmers are machine washable; and their spandex composition allows them to stretch in any direction. In other words, they move with you! Silicone grips at the top prevent slipping. Sizes Small; Medium; and Large. $47.99-57.99 I must confess that I’m glad to be able to pack away leg warmers, arm warmers, etc. for a while. I get tired of having all those things draped from anywhere that I can drape them; and incidentally, during Winter I have full-finger gloves of three different weights to deal with!  But I have only one pair of each kind; and as I hand wash them, I can’t wring them out as thoroughly as I would like. That means that the gloves might not be dry enough for the next ride; so I don’t wash them often enough. We know what happens to our noses during cold-weather rides; so you can guess the condition of those gloves after a few months! Next Winter will be here in no time; so it’s not too soon to think about it. A pair of cozy, new leg warmers might be exactly what I need!

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