

April 2021


We hear about bikeable communities. I\’m all for bikeable communities; but shoes and clothing need to be bikeable, too. Yesterday, when I left my road bike at the shop for new tubes and tires, I also left one of my pairs of cycling shoes. The right one didn\’t clip in well, and I figured the cleats needed replacing. Today, when I went to pick up bike and shoes, I forgot to bring along my orthotics; and as a result, the shoes felt far too big. In addition, I was wearing regular shorts. Between ill-fitting shoes and non-cycling shorts, I felt very awkward on the bike. On top of that, I ran into a number of gravelly road construction patches that made me wish I were on a mountain bike. In fact, the final block before I got home is such a mess that I walked that last block! I couldn\’t go for a real ride right then; the sky looked rather like rain, and I had to get back to work. The work day over, I finally decided to go for a spin. Usually I don\’t ride in the evening; but I wanted to get in some last licks for the April Love to Ride Challenge! It was overcast, but I took the gamble; and I won! Not a drop! After I got home, I launched into a cooking project; I have several planned for the weekend. This evening\’s job: Tardy Turtle. I did a lot of the prep work yesterday, so this evening it went quickly; most unlike a turtle. I want to ride to the salvage store tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is the first day of National Bike Month! I want to start it off right.

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Are MTB shoes really so walkable? True, they\’re easier to walk in than roadie shoes. MTB shoes\’ cleats are at least partially recessed; and that helps. But \”walkable\” bike shoes seems to mean the walking done at pit stops; or at rest stations during long rides. But my bike shoes certainly don\’t do well when I have to walk a mile in them; and that does happen now and then. Today I took the road bike in to the shop. The rear tire seemed to have a slow leak; and when I thought about it, I realized it was probably time to replace those tires. I work from home on Thursdays; so I clocked in half an hour early and took a long lunch break, so I could ride the bicycle to the shop. I didn\’t expect to have to leave my bike there; but they said it would be about an hour until they could take care of it. That left me no choice but to leave the bike at the shop and walk home, wearing my bike shoes! The soles of even MTB shoes are quite rigid; and those cleats do make contact with the walking surface. Cement sidewalk surfaces can\’t be very good for the cleats, and I felt like my feet might slip at any moment. Another problem is that I recently developed arthritis in the base joint of my left big toe; and those stiff soles don\’t help the joint to feel better. As much as I could, I walked on the softer surface beside the sidewalk; and was I ever glad it wasn\’t raining! About 1 pm the shop called and said my bike was ready; so tomorrow I can get it. But I\’ll wear sneakers to the shop; they\’re walkable!

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Keep Me Out

Keep me out; out of the peloton, that is. My squirrely riding will have every other rider on edge. A cyclist who doesn\’t ride a straight line annoys every other cyclist in the pack; they have to waste mental and physical energy watching the \”squirrel\” and trying to avoid disaster. They know that a wavering rider can bring down the entire pack if wheel contact occurs! So keep me out of there. I don\’t want to cause a big crash. I didn\’t have quite as much trouble with wavering today; but I still did more of it than pleases me. Riding on rollers is supposed to be excellent for developing straight-line riding; but I don\’t have any rollers. I did try them, though; and it felt like trying to ride on ice. Actually, I suppose I do a lot of wavering all the time; but for some reason it\’s seemed worse in the last two days. A high cadence in a low gear contributes to the problem. My churning legs seem to overpower my upper body\’s ability to hold the bicycle steady. I know what that means: the need for more upper body/arm/core work off the bike! So I need to get back to doing my off-bike exercises regularly. It isn\’t easy to fit it in when I\’m so busy with other stuff: blogging; planning meals; cooking; or cleaning up the kitchen. (Hey, wanna make a fortune? Invent a self-cleaning kitchen! Unfortunately I can\’t afford one ?) The April Love to Ride Challenge is almost over; but if you want to log some rides, there are two days left. Then May is Bike Month! So let\’s get out and ride! But as for that peloton, keep me out.

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Some Days You\’re Off

Some days you\’re off, no matter how much you\’ve got bicycles on your mind. I sure was off today — WAY off! Whenever I took a drink, I had a lot of trouble getting the water bottle back into its cage; and while struggling with it, I wavered all over the bike path! I\’m sure it doesn\’t help that I\’ve been slack about my off-bike exercises for a long time; and my core and arms are losing their conditioning. Even when I wasn\’t struggling with the water bottle, I had trouble riding in a more-or-less straight line. Maybe going for an extra ride yesterday morning wasn\’t a wise idea; I feel like I\’m getting over-tired. When it comes to food, some days you\’re off; and I\’m no exception. I didn\’t want to cook this evening. At all! Last night I forgot to wash the pot and steamer basket that I used to cook broccoli; and this morning there wasn\’t time to wash the pot I used to heat refried beans. Who likes to wash dishes, and immediately afterwards prepare a meal? And dishes in the sink and on the counter complicate meal prep! I mixed some skim milk and protein powder, and gulped it down; washed the pots; and then, sadly, I ate some candy. Falling off the \”diet wagon\” is another sign that I\’m letting myself get over-tired. It\’s lucky the full moon was yesterday. This morning the moon was visible; but thin, high clouds made it hazy. It got quite cloudy today; and when I left work, the wind was 15 mph. It looks like it could be like that early tomorrow. My legs don\’t like to think of it; but the April Love to Ride Challenge isn\’t over yet, and I don\’t want to slack off. So, what to do? An obvious solution is to ride short and easy tomorrow morning, then ramp it up again Thursday. On the other hand, rain chances will be greater both Thursday and Friday; and I want to make the trek to Whole Foods on Friday. Ergo I\’d rather put in more time and miles tomorrow. So, what to do? I\’ll see how my legs feel in the morning; and take it from there. Just remember, some days you\’re off.

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What Color Next?

What color next for our satellite? We hear of the blue moon, and the black moon. Now we\’ve got a pink moon! Not to mention the one about the moon\’s being made of green cheese. Mondays I usually don\’t go out on the road bike; but when the full moon falls on a Monday, I make an exception to the rule. It was cool and clear this morning; and no wind! WHY couldn\’t it have been wind still yesterday, when I did my long ride? I had a gorgeous view of the moonlight on the river. I always feel that I can\’t get enough of it, perhaps because I can\’t get much of it. After all, the moon is full only once a month; and if the weather doesn\’t cooperate, there goes my chance for that month. Speaking of colors, yesterday a rider passed me; and I noticed that his bicycle was chartreuse. I had a chartreuse-colored helmet, but realized after a while that it was too big; so I bought a new helmet. When I saw that bicycle yesterday, I suddenly drew a mental blank and couldn\’t remember the color of the headpiece that I had on! Riding a bicycle does weird things to me sometimes. Incidentally, I\’ll need to replace my helmet before this year is over; what color next? Another blue one? White? Silver? I know this much: I want a visible color. It\’s a good thing I went out moon-gazing when I did. As I was riding back home, the sky was already starting to get light; and it wasn\’t six o\’clock yet! It\’s another sign that Summer is coming fast. I\’d better enjoy having cool mornings, because I can\’t expect many more of them. Soon it will be swelteringly hot and humid at 5 am!

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Get Crackin\’!

Yesterday afternoon I finally decided to get crackin\’! Over the last few months, I brought home bags of unshelled nuts from the salvage store; one bag of peanuts; and one of pecans. I hadn\’t eaten many of them, because sometimes I want a nutty snack, but am in too much of a hurry to crack nuts; and I have bags of bulk-bin almonds and hazelnuts in the freezer. But I was tired of those bags of peanuts and pecans hanging around and taking up space; so I at last got crackin\’ and shelled them all in one marathon session. I put the shelled nuts in containers and stored them in the freezer. While busy with it, I watched some YouTubes. There\’s a series called, \”How the Earth Was Made\”; and they\’re really interesting. To give only two of the fascinating facts I\’ve gleaned: the volcano Krakatoa is above a kink in a subduction zone; and the Himalayas are still growing! I then had to get crackin\’ and plan today\’s ride food. As usual, the on-bike menu consisted of things I found in the grab-bag bins at the salvage store. These food items are very high in carbs; and you\’d think I needed quick fuel while I\’m on a ride of several hours. But should I start to substitute other, less carb-y foods for some of those FitCrunch bars? How about some of the aforementioned nuts? The trouble with nuts is, I tend to need plenty of fluid to wash them down. Then I\’d need to make extra pit stops! I can\’t bring along a little container of nut butter, because I\’d need one hand to hold the container, and the other to scoop out the contents; and I need both hands to ride. More Crackin\’ I had more crackin\’ I needed to do yesterday; namely, laundry. I use a little hand-powered washer, and hang the stuff up to dry. It\’s rather a nuisance, because I can\’t simply set the machine going and let it work while I get something else done; I am the machine! Another problem is that, in this humid climate, the stuff takes days to dry. Still more crackin\’: preparing the ride food. I get my electrolyte drink ready the night before so it can chill. It tastes better cold; but soon it will be so warm outside that chilled drinks won\’t stay chilled for long! I also prepare my recovery drink the night before: protein powder in milk. This way, the powder has plenty of time to dissolve. I don\’t know why, but dairy milk works better than any nut milk. Just before the ride, I cut bars into pieces for easier eating. I fill my Camel-Bak\’s reservoir; and I put an extra bottle of water in the cage on the bicycle\’s seat tube. Last night I pumped up the tires, too, so I wouldn\’t have to do it this morning. The Ride Finally, the ride. The wind was from the Northeast, and I got a lot of headwind both going and coming. Gusts were strong; up to 21 mph. Many times I shifted up into a harder gear, only to have to shift back down right away; and it drove me crazy. All the same, I got in 44.5 miles. The weather was clear, and in the 60s. Except for the wind, it was great for riding!

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Hope Springs Eternal

Hope springs eternal, they say; and I seem to be no exception. Last night the weather outlook seemed rather grim, and I wasn\’t sure I\’d get to ride to the salvage store. All the same, I got the hybrid ready for the trip. I pumped up the tires; and I hung the panniers on the rack. I chose not to use the trailer, because I knew the wind would be pretty strong; and that trailer creates considerable drag. Then I hoped for the best. I got it, too; or at any rate, I got it pretty good. It was mostly overcast, but it didn\’t rain. Today, for a change, the headwind was mostly on the way to the store. Usually it\’s the opposite! Without the trailer, it felt almost as though I had no load. True, I brought home a rather small haul today. I have so much stuff at home that I didn\’t need to buy much; but I got a few cans of tuna. Peanut butter is something I don\’t often see at the salvage store, and I go through it fairly quickly; so when I see it, get it. Best of all: the grab-bag bins were back! Today I found three FitCrunch bars, and an RXBar, too. Of course I got some candy bars ? I just can\’t seem to resist, and it\’s too easy for me to think that I can portion them out over a long time; but hope springs eternal. It\’s time to plot tomorrow\’s ride. The forecast says, sunny ☀️, and a high near 77. That looks pretty good. Naturally I have to plan my ride food; and this is why I raid the grab-bag bins, looking for things like Fit Crunch bars!

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The Pressure is On

The pressure is on, with ACTINPUT Compression Socks. These are made of a breathable fabric blend; recommended by doctors to assist circulation. If you develop lightheadedness and orthostatic hypotension after a long ride, these socks might help. I tried using a similar product, but for me compression socks are too tight. I have to take them off after 15-20 minutes because the pressure hurts; and I hope your experience with them is better. I\’ve even read of some cyclists wearing compression socks during races; but I believe that this was banned at some point because it was considered a \”performance enhancement\”. I don\’t wear the things while riding because, as I already said, they\’re much too tight. Maybe I just need a larger size? Getting such socks on at all is difficult for me, because of tendonitis in my left wrist. The pair I have are prescription, which may make a difference in how tight they are. Another reason I don\’t like to wear those socks for riding is that I still manage to get a chain mark on my leg now and then; and it would not be fun trying to wash out that grease! Maybe ACTINPUT Compression Socks would be helpful there, because they\’re black! Those socks are also hot. Not what I want when it\’s already 80 degrees Fahrenheit at 5 am, and I have a long Sunday ride planned! All things considered, I personally would rather skip them.

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Risking It Again?

Shall I go risking it again? One never knows when it comes to weather, and the forecast for tomorrow is a stormy one. There\’s a 50% chance of T-storms; and some possibly severe. A complicating factor is that weather can change very quickly. I\’ve been caught in storms before; is riding to the salvage store risking it again? Sometimes I skip that ride because the weather looks too iffy; then if nothing happens, I realize that I could have gone to the store, after all! On the other hand, I don\’t want to downplay the risks of riding a bicycle in a T-storm. When I\’m out there on two wheels, and the lightning fires up, I feel like a rolling lightning rod; and it\’s not a comfortable feeling. This morning, at least, wasn\’t too much of a risk. It was heavily overcast, but rain was at least a few hours away. The wind wasn\’t too bad (7-9 mph) at the time, either; but by midday it had strengthened to 20 mph, with gusts up to 25 mph. It isn\’t fun trying to pedal against a breeze like that! I work from home Fridays, and today I didn\’t need to get anything from the store; so I had the time for a 16 mile ride! My time was 1:14:42. I know — some riders (perhaps many riders!) are much faster, but for me that\’s good. It used to take me that long to ride 12 miles! The T-storms are expected mainly after 10 pm tonight; and tomorrow morning there\’s still a 50% chance. I want to go to the salvage store as usual; but of course don\’t want to get caught in a storm. Is that flip-of-the-coin chance low enough for me to be risking it again?

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Earth Day 2021

Today is Earth Day 2021! We hear of \”living lightly on the planet\”. As cyclists, you might say that we\’re doing it. Bicycles — or should I say, the breathing riders — emit far fewer fumes than internal combustion vehicles. Bicycles put far less wear and tear on street surfaces. They also produce much less noise. A parking space that can accommodate a single car is enough space for up to a dozen bicycles. At home, a bicycle doesn\’t require a garage. How else can we live lightly on the planet? A meatless, or less-meat, diet can help. I recall that Diet for a Small Planet stated that raising one beef steer uses up enough water to float a battle cruiser! That\’s a staggering thought. I also read somewhere that it takes 16 pounds of soybeans and grain to produce a single pound of beef. For Earth Day 2021, do you want to start using less, and saving some money as well; but don\’t know where to begin? The Complete Tightwad Gazette might help you get going. Re/Uses is another resource. I haven\’t yet read the latter; but CTG gave me some good ideas. Another way of living lightly: I, for one, was taught Thou Shalt Not Litter from the time I was old enough to take the wrapper off a lollipop. It amazes me to see people who will throw a non-reusable drink cup on the sidewalk, when there\’s a trash can just a few steps away. And, since the pandemic began, there are masks on the ground everywhere I look! It gets depressing sometimes. So let\’s celebrate Earth Day 2021. Ride a bicycle to fetch groceries. Have a meatless meal. And please, do not litter!

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