



Does the approach of 2020 have you feeling extra-adventurous? Does a MTB trip seem like too little? Maybe a fantasycart Unicycle will fit the bill.

So far I\’ve had no desire to try a unicycle. Having nothing to hold onto means no handlebars for steering. I guess riding a one-wheeler means a lot of reliance on core strength. I don\’t see how else the rider could steer except by using the core and hips.

Enthusiasts of one-wheeling are by no means left out of cycling adventures. They\’ll even tackle Mongolia! Bike-packing with only one wheel must call for extra work to learn not to let the weight of a Camel-Bak pull you over backwards! Then there\’s getting the hang of a \”uni\” in the first place; never mind having added weight on your back. As always, one step at a time. Get used to the uni first, and then start working on riding it with a load.

The one year I was able to spend in graduate school, I often saw a guy riding a unicycle around campus. More than once I saw him riding that uni with an UNCASED trombone in his hand. I found that shocking; and never could help thinking that, if he wiped out, you could say goodbye to that \’bone!