I feel like celebrating! I finally got the Home page of my web site restored. I\’d like to know why the image disappeared in the first place, so if it happens again, I\’ll know what to do. I\’ve sure got plenty to learn about keeping a web site going. Aside from that, we\’re all on tenterhooks around here. Tropical Storm Gordon is headed this way. It looks like his main impact will be to the East of us; but those storms can do weird things. In their own way, they\’re as erratic and unpredictable as tornadoes. So I don\’t know whether I\’ll get to ride tomorrow morning. It depends on whether it\’s raining; and how hard; and how strong the wind is. So far there\’s no word from my employer about a closure because of the storm. As things stand now, I have to go to work tomorrow. I do not feel like celebrating about that.