

Weather Weary

Weather Weary

I’m sure weather weary. Too many forecasts have predicted T-storms, with possibly torrential rain; and then nothing much happens!

This morning I rode short and easy; and on the way to the park, I could see that someone in a southerly direction was getting a T-storm. It was far away, but here it was overcast; and I didn’t get to see the full moon.

I’ve had a lot of bad luck with that this year. Either the weather conditions keep me from seeing the moon; or it’s full over the weekend, and I just don’t want to get up at 4:30 am! I need a few extra hours’ sleep on Saturdays and Sundays.

Tomorrow I have an appointment in a location that means taking two buses; and rain chances are high, especially in the afternoon. The thought of it makes me more weather weary than ever. Who likes standing around in a downpour while waiting for a bus?

I guess this is our “monsoon” season. I remember the July, forty years ago now, when there was that terrible Pan-Am crash. We had been getting a lot of T-storms with very heavy rain; and lots of lightning. I guess they didn’t know about micro-bursts then; but I hope those people didn’t die in vain.

I’m tired of waiting for it to storm; but getting caught in the rain every ride would be even more irksome. If it’s raining heavily, I can hardly see where I’m riding; and if there’s a sidewind it’s hard to control the bike. Not to mention the concerns about lightning.

As usual, I can only wait and see what happens — and keep umbrella and poncho handy!