

Inconvenience Store

Inconvenience Store

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An inconvenience store is what the salvage store turned into this morning. I usually pay by debit card, and the computer wouldn’t let my transaction go through. It wasn’t lack of funds; something was wrong with the computer.

My total was twenty-something dollars, and I had all of six bucks with me. Luckily there’s a strip mall near the salvage store, where I could go and withdraw some cash from an ATM. It wasn’t an ATM run by my bank, which meant a service fee. ARGH!!

Then it was back to the salvage store so I could pay for my stuff; pack it up; and ride home. I was halfway there when it occurred to me that I should have bought an onion. I forgot to even look for them.

Aside from the inconvenience caused by the cash register today, shopping at the salvage store can be fun. Part of the fun is making up things to do with the stuff I find. For instance, today I found a bottle of hoisin sauce. Hot dogs are getting wanderlust again!

Another find today: cans of fully cooked taco meat filling. I bet it would be good mixed with cooked lentils, served over brown rice. Or — of course — with sliced hot dogs! They haven’t been to Mexico yet, so why not?

The weather, although crazy, cooperated pretty well this morning. The wind wasn’t all that strong, and it helped that I didn’t use the trailer.

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That thing inevitably slows me down. The sun was dodging in and out of the clouds, so I didn’t get rained on; but I was surprised at how warm it became.

It doesn’t feel like January. At 11:20 am it was 77 degrees; but a cold front is expected tonight. It’ll be a chilly ride tomorrow!