Not for use in website
As of Feb. 3, 2025
Registration Price Schedule:
- Early Registration: $230 (November 15, 2024-December 31, 2024)
- Tier 1 Registration: $250 (January 1, 2025-February 28, 2025)
- Tier 2 Registration: $275 (March 1, 2025- March 31, 2025)
- Tier 3 Registration: $300 April 1, 2025-April 30, 2025)
- Tier 4 Registration: $350 (May 1, 2025-May 31, 2025)
- Late/Non-Refundable: $350 (June 1, 2025-June 11, 2025)
Pork Belly Ventures w/ tent setup: $595. In 2024, anyway.
Can I get a refund if I’m dissatisfied w/ PBV?
What’s the gradient of those hills? Can be 6-15%.
How long are the climbs? Will I need a triple cransket? Can Scottie be converted to a triple? 05/09/2024 Joe called. He helped me get on Google Maps, and figure out that the access ramp at the Corps of Engineers is about 5% gradient. See also: https://ragbrai.com/forums/topic/iowa-hills/
02/19/2026 called GNO to ask, could I convert Scottie to a triple. It’s possible, but no quick-and-easy fix (need new crankset, probably new derailer, etc). Asked about bike fittings. They’ll ask around, and said call after Mardi Gras.
How do I get to and from Iowa in the first place? Will I need a bicycle case? They’re crazy expensive! Up to $1000.00! And what do I do w/ that case during RAGBRAI? I’d also have to learn how to disassemble/reassemble the bike! 05/29/2024 Nick at bike shop suggested shipping my bicycle.
02/04/2025 BikeFlights
How will I pump up tires and air mattress? battery-powered small pump. Be sure it fits my air mattress! (Stored in box w/ my cycling journals). 06/06/2024 they say PBV has air pumps for mattresses. For bike tires, too?
How big is PBV tent? 63 sq ft Will it have room for me & bike? Probably. It can fit two people. ~6′ x 8′. Waterproof bottom? Rain fly? Double-wall (aka w/ mosquito net?) Alps Lynx 4, three-season tent, 06/21/2024 watched a YT re:PBV and how they do it. They put a plastic sheet under each tent.
How PBV does it:
2: tents, ground cloths
See at about 12 or 13 minutes:
Can Scottie be retrofitted to disc brakes? No / How about a triple crank set?
Can Scottie take a seat-post mounted rack for a single pannier? (for toilet paper; Chamois Butt’r; camera; snacks, etc) Yes, but it would probably cause more sway; And can’t take too much weight.
Maybe try a bicycle triangle frame bag? No room for one unless I remove seat-tube bottle cage
Maybe a handlebar bag; and put that little pouch on the seat post? Would my legs get chafed by it? Be sure a handlebar bag won’t cover up everything in the cockpit
FRONT rack? How would that affect bike handling? Larger under-saddle pack? One big enough for tube of Chamois Butt’r and the other stuff I already carry?
WHERE do RAGBRAI riders keep their bikes overnight? 05/09/2024 bought a plastic bicycle cover ($19.96) Looks like many folks just park bike next to tent.
Get a new bike fitting/tuneup; also new tires and tubes. 05/29/2024 got new tires and tubes. 06/04/2024 bought new sasddle
Will I need to take along a cable lock? YES. Look for a lightweight one.And, a lock and key for charging stations (provided by PBV) Get a padlock. Or would a combo lock be better? No key to lose; but can I remember the combo?
How will I keep track of my keys all week? Be sure they’re in jersey pocket in a.m.
Find that 4-battery fan! DONE. But be sure fan works!
How do I set alarm clock on my cell phone? 04/23/2024 I figured it out
How big are those air mattresses that I have?/3’3″ x 6’5″ and 10″ high; weight 9.97 lbs That’s 1/5 of the PBV baggage weight allowance.
05/01/2024 bought air mattress. It weighs under 4 lbs and has a patch kit
Or how about a sleeping bag? Check for the expected weather the week before. Sometimes RAGBRAI nights drop to the 50s! Don’t forget the baggage weight limit!
Ragbrai 2024 Plans
05/01/2024 Bought an Ozark Trail Deluxe Camp Pad ($24.97).It’s 78″ x 25″ x 3.5″. Weighs 3.34 lbs. Use PBV pumps to inflate it. Patch kit included.
battery-powered small pump?/PBV does have pumps; but do I want to carry an inflated mattress all over the place?
charging brick (but how do I charge that?) Get several, and charge them up before I leave home? How long does a brick hold its charge? Will I need to recharge them daily? PBV has charging stations. Get a padlock w/ key to secure my bricks. Or get a combo lock. But can I remember the combo?
What all needs charging? Cell phone; headlight; tail light. Bring camera (Canon); or use cell phone? Don’t forget cables!
puck light/head lamp/spare batteries
spare derailer hanger (VERY important) 05/09/2024 Got it!
blanket/sleeping bag. Those comforters I’ve got are too big and bulky
do I need a duffle bag? YES! How big? 40-liter? Remember, weight limit of 50 lbs. May it have wheels? NO! No external frames, either. No hard frames. Get one with shoulder straps? PBV takes care of putting bag in your tent; and picking it up mornings. Per one video, PBV’s stipulation is, you must be able to lift your bag over your head. How much can I lift?
02/03/2025 Some time ago, I messaged s.o. about the “lift over your head” aspect of this. They say, as long as your bag is of a reasonable weight, it should be OK even if you can’t lift it overhead.
camp pillow. Or take a pillow case and stuff it w/ clothes every night?
eye mask/earplugs for sleep
get a Road ID. DONE. 05/09/2024 Where’d it go? Did I accidentally throw it out? Called them, and they deactivated it. 06/14/2024 Haven’t found it. Order a new one. 06/24/2024 Ordered another RoadID yesterday.
DO NOT buy a tent. Use PBV. They set up your tent for you. (They use Alps Lynx 4, three-season tent). If I bring my own tent, I’ll be forced to hunt for a place to pitch it every evening! When I’m hot, tired, and hungry! PBV puts tarps under their tents!
tent organizer (similar to a shoebag)?
camp chair? 05/01/2024 saw some in Walmart, but I think they’d take too much space in my duffle bag. And would the legs get bent from being buried in heaps of other duffle bags?
cooling bands/cooling beanie? Try both skull caps and see how they work. 05/01/2024 Bought a cooling towel ($4.88) It’s 26″ x 17″. 05/26/2024 tried my white skull cap as cooling beanie. It stops cooling once it gets dry.
quick-dry shower towel (aka pocket towel) Dry-fit MicroFiber (Dry-QUICK?)
02/03/2025 ordered a micro-fiber towel from REI
loofah (so I can wash my back — I’ll need that after riding w/ a Camel-Bak all day!) 05/09/2024 bought a net bath strap ($4.98) Instructions say to replace it every 30 days. It’s too rough, anyway.
nose-pincher in case I do slip n slide? I don’t need to pick up a brain-eating amoeba!
eyeglasses mirror?
leg sleeves? 06/06/2024 I already have a pair but they turned out to be only knee-high
duffle bag/compactor bags/compressor stuff sack
mini-broom and dustpan in case tent needs cleaning.
How about a bicycle triangle frame bag? Looks like I can’t use one unless I remove the seat tube bottle cage. Or both bottle cages! Maybe a larger top-tube pouch?
02/03/2025 A few months ago, got new eyeglasses w/ the auto-tint change lenses
What will I need to pay for along the RAGBRAI route? How much to allow per day? Many videos say, $50-70. Dpends on what all you want.
food at in-between towns. Try: corn; Mr. Pork Chop; pie; Beekman’s Ice Cream; Thelma’s Ice Cream Sandwiches; Casey’s pizza
One YouTube suggests: roll through the in-between towns and find farm stands to get food. Fewer long lines there.
PBV includes a meal service. Is that just supper; or breakfast, too? Also mid-week laundry, but I don’t trust them to NOT use highly-scented detergent! Ask about that well in advance. Is the cost incl. in the PBV fee? 05/02/2024 Sounds like it
Don’t they (PBV) put your bag(s) in your tent for you in pm; and pick them up there in am? YES
PBV has mechanic service, too.
showers. Included in PBV. They also provide soap and shampoo; but again, can I rely on there being frag-free stuff?
get a spoke bracelet?
spork? NOT a flimsy cheap plastic one! Will those W-F recycled things do?
Moreau fan
Bike Stuff:
spare tubes/glueless patch kit/small pump
spare derailer hanger!!! I have two
Spare chain? And spokes?
CO2 cartridges. Will they be OK in my luggage all day? Will they get too hot and rupture?
Do they make small pumps w/ built-in gauge? Do I have a mimi-pump? As of 05/08/2024, no.
Will there be air-up stations on RAGBRAI? Yes, for things like air mattresses. Not sure about pumps for bike tires.
chain lube. Is it safe to leave it in my duffle bag, where it will be HOT all day long? Triple-bag it in case of leakage!
Fanttik X9 pump?
06/04/2024 bought new saddle
No hard-side luggage allowed! No external frames! Better get that duffle bag. 50-lb limit. What dimensions? 40-liter? No wheels allowed. Get a backpack-style duffle bag? Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhqHRNiDBkE&list=LL&index=5
For PBV, must be able to lift bag over your head. (~ 36 min). Download PBV app to cell phone.
Doesn’t seem to be any sort of military surplus store) near here. Academy Sports is near the Harahan Walmart, but I’d have to negotiate crossing Jeff Hwy; and thread my way through several parking lots. Academy doesn’t open until 9 am or even 10:00. A lot more traffic by then (W-M open at 6 am).
BICYCLE/Or take along my saddle and rent a bike? What kind of bikes do they have? If it’s heavier than Scottie, I could be in big trouble. Will they have a bike that can be fitted to me? I’m smaller than many adults! And what if their rental road bikes have STANDARD cranksets? I’m used to a compact.
any RAGBRAI papers I need
IDs, health insurance cards, RoadID
Spare tubes/CO2 cartridges/spare tire?/spare chain
ziplock bags (gal, qt, snk)
foil squares (e.g. for a Mr. Pork Chop if I can’t eat it all at once)
Camel-Bak. Don’t forget spare bite valve. One video I watched, the guy said, water-refill stations were surprisingly hard to find. Is that accurate?
squeeze bottles for dish liq, shampoo and detergent. Bottles and C-Bk reservoir will need cleaning! Bring Q-Tips!
DON’T FORGET PRESCRIPTIONS!!! How will I carry them? I’ll want to keep them on my person at all times. Maybe use the fanny pack? Take along the bottles w/ the drug store labels, plus an empty one. Each evening, put next day’s pills in it.
02/03/2025 Or: take the bottles of pills and one day from my 7-day pill box. Fill it up each evening. Don’t forget calcium tablets.
02/0702025 Suppose I run low on a script, and need a refill? Walgreen’s says I can arrange w/ my insurance for early refill if I need to.
Salt tablets? No.
grocery store bags for litter, used toilet paper, etc
some kind of clean wipes
small rechargeable fan
tap light
spare #2032 batts for rear helmet blinkie/AAAs for tap light
headlight/charging brick. Get several bricks and charge them up before I leave home. PBV provides a charging service. Need a luggage-size padlock for it.
shop towels, some cut in 4
paper towels/toilet paper/kleenex/foil squares
CO2 cartridges
Camel-Bak!! & bottles
cable lock
pens, notebook, camera(?), cell phone, and don’t forget cords for phone and lights!
sweat band
cycling shorts & jerseys
arm/leg warmers, jacket, skull cap. Nights can go down to the 50s!
cycling shoes & socks/spare shoelaces
compression sox
glasses & sunglasses/lens cleaner and anti-fog/spare pair of sunglasses! Don’t forget glasses cases and lens cleaner!
fanny pack?
rain gear
sun sleeves/leg sleeves/sun shrugs?
Off-bike clothes (undies, sox, sneakers, shorts, blouses, cap)
old T-brush in case I must clean shoes
reflective vest/or get something that’s less bulky, and can fit better over a camel-bak
postage stamps
Real ID
towel/washrag/hand sanitizer/clean wipes 05/08/2024 got Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleaning Cloths ($5.29)
Q-Tips for cleaning water-bottle nozzles
insect repellent? 04/27/2024 got some kind of bug-repellent bracelets at salvage store. As of 02/103/2025, haven’t tested them yet.
Chamois Butt’r (at least 2 tubes; or get the 9mL packs. They’ll be smaller and lighter. How many would I use in one day? Two?)
Gold Bond 05/09/2024 got some a few days ago, and I’m trying it on small areas to be sure I don’t have an adverse reaction
sunblock (at least three tubes; I’ll be using it like crazy!) Ask dermatologist to recommend something that lasts more than 80 minutes. 05/09/2024 I’m having a hard time finding frag-free sunblock! Or get leg sleeves and sun sleeves!
SPF 50 lip balm (2 tubes)
soap/soap box/hand sanitizer. Look for frag-free body wash in a bottle. Easier to manage than that box and a bar of soap. PBV provides towels, soap, and shampoo w/ their shower service; but I can’t rely on that stuff being frag-free!
05/22/2024 bought Aveeno Frag-Free body wash @ W-D $8.19 05/21/2024 It might not have added fragrance; but it’s NOT unscented!
toilet paper/handkerchief/kleenex/paper towels/clean wipes
toothpaste, floss, T-brush, cup, gum piks
shampoo & detergent/dish liq so I can wash bidons and C-bk
hand warmers
earplugs, eye mask/filter masks
artificial tears
tennis ball (for massage)/cold therapy?
ibuprofen; Metamucil gels (easier than a canister of powder). Will those gels be OK in airplane checked luggage?
emery board. Clip all nails before I go to IA./safety pins
💰 how much will I need? They say, up to $50 per DAY. For food, souvenirs, etc. Can I safely carry that much cash? They also say, ATMs can be hard to find; and they might be out of money! If I have all that cash, where’s the safest place to keep it?
See #11:
pack GU-Gels (2-3/day) and some energy bars for pre-ride. I don’t want to be bonking before I can ride to each day’s breakfast town!
Nuun tablets (some halved) and/or Propel powder. Be sure to have some caffeinated electrolyte drink for early in the day. Or, later in the day use one tab to a full water bottle (instead of a 2/3-full bottle) 02/03/2025: I think tablets in their pop-top tube would be better. No packets to tear open.
Try some other elec. powders (Liquid IV, etc.)
Liquid IV tastes too strong made as directed (1 powder stick to 16 oz water) Use 24 oz water, esp. later in the day.
04/22/2024: Gatorade Zero glacier freeze: meh
green tea bags? Put one in a bottle of water at night, so I can get a bit of caffeine w/o Diet Coke
applesauce squeeze packs?
take that set of WF recycled utensils, or get a sturdy spork
*A More Detailed Menu 🥗🍕🌮
Clif Bars? They’re too low in protein
Clif Builder’s have choc coating. Too melt-y
Ditto for Gatorade bars. 02/03/2025 I’ve phased out these bars. The dietitian says they’re too high in sat fat
RXBars can get sticky, too
Granola bars are too crumbly and stick in my throat. So do Combos
Check out Barbell Protein Bars
Built Bars taste OK, but I’m not crazy about the texture. Too gummy.
Isadora Refried Beans? They taste good, but are messy. And I’d have to keep a spoon with them. Could I use up a pack of them in one day?
Sandwiches are too bulky
Baby carrots?
Meat snacks (e.g. Epic Bites) are tough to chew; and make me too thirsty. Dietitian says, have some w/ the corn, pie, etc. to provide protein w/ the carbs. I have pre-diabetes; and carbs alone can send A1C soaring.
Combos have no sustenance and are too crumbly.
How many grams carbs/hour? It’s in this video. Aim for 50 g per hour. Do I get that much during my long rides?
What to eat early a.m. when I first get up; and food stands aren’t open yet? Maybe those Planter’s Nuts & Choc packets? Bars might get too messy from being in that hot PBV trailer! How about packets of nut butter?
GU-Gel Chocolate Outrage
GU-Gel Tastefully Nude
GU-Gel Salted Caramel
GU-Gel Vanilla Bean
GU Rocktane Salted Chocolate
How many goos per day? Two? Three?
What for electrolyte? Nuun? Propel? Does BioSteel come in powder form? YES; but in single-serve packets?
Bring tablet-form electrolytes. Less spillable than powders; and a tube of Propel, Nuun, etc. is compact and easy to pack. Less waste material, too.
Liquid IV is rather high in carbs; and stronger-flavored than I like for ride use. 02/21/2025 tried some sugar-free flavors. Rainbow Sherbet is OK.
02/03/2025 found some sugar-free Liquid IV, but haven’t tried it yet. 02/19/2025 this stuff is better mixed w/ 24 oz water per packet; not 16 oz. Rainbow Sherbet tastes better than Green Grapes.
Notes 🎶
There’s a daily cut-off time for SAG service. They run 6 am – 6 pm. There are several air-conditioned SAG wagons, each w/ room for 15 people. With a trailer for the bikes.
If I use a bicycle case to get to and from Iowa, what do I do w/ it during the actual ride? Will I need a pedal wrench to take pedals on/off? And the handlebars? 05/28/2024 asked Nick at GNO, is he familiar w/ bicycle travel cases? He says he isn’t; but suggested that I ship my bicycle to the start town.
Look for some of those ultra-light, quick-dry towels. 02/32/25 ordered one from REI. 02/19/2025 it came last week.
Pack each day’s clothes in its own zip-lock bag. Include that day’s cash allowance. Label bags for Su, Mo, etc.
Will my cash packs be safe in PBV transit? Should be.
Put cell phone in airplane mode between towns. Might not have cell service in towns, because they get overwhelmed. Same for Internet and WiFi. And ATMs.
Nutrition (remember the pre-diabetes)
Is it safe to let my chain lube go in the duffle bag that will be in a hot truck all day?
Do I have s.th. that can serve as a shower bag? 08/07/2024 not right now
Can I get to Academy Sports sometime?
Put my rider # in: duffle bag; each day’s clothes bag; each day’s money bag; Camel-Bak pockets. Label bags for Mo, Tu, etc.
How do I work my website from my cell phone? I’ll want to keep the blogs going. On the other hand, it’s unwise to advertise that I’m not at home!
Will I need to put a guard on the drive train for bike transport to/across Iowa to starting town?
This video; at about 08:30 minutes. How much training you need for RAGBRAI.
See here at ~5 min. Does he mean PBV? No. Central Iowa Charter
RAGBRAI SAG how many are “multiple” wagons? 4-5, maybe more. Each wagon has A/C; room for 15 passengers; and a trailer for the bikes.
Bag weight:
Finding My Group 🚴♀️🚴🏿
06/07/2024 Watched a YouTube about RAGBRAI; and they mentioned Team 985 in Louisiana! I found their video about training (they’re in Thibodaux); and also put a comment in the BBB video. Looks like I might be getting something going!
06/15/2024 Rode with Team 985! We met at the St. Charles Parish line, and rode to Audubon Park.
CHECK THIS OUT! I’m a star!
08/23/2024 Team 985 doesn’t have room for another rider; so I’ve got to hunt for something else.
- Log in to EnMotive.
- On the left-hand side of the page on the black bar click registrations.
- On the square with RAGBRAI click the three vertical dots on the upper right hand side.
- Click view registration.
- By Team select Join Team.
- Follow steps above showing how to join/create team.
01/05/2025 Route to be announced on Jan 28.
02/05/2025 Bikeflights! Took Scottie to shop for new handlebar tape; and asked about Bikeflights. GNO Cyclery uses them all the time. I drop off bike at shop; they ship it to RAGBRAI; and then Bikeflights ships it back to GNO! Don’t forget to be sure the box has room for a helmet! Also, water bottles. Will my tubes of sunblock fit in the bottles?
Bikeflights offers bicycle shipping services to RAGBRAI riders. They ensure that your bike, wheels, and gear receive the highest level of monitoring on their way to and from Iowa. For shipping within the contiguous US and on-site concierge services from their long-time partner Pork Belly Ventures, you can check out their flat rate box + shipping offers which will be available in mid-spring for 2024. For international shipping or if you will be handling all of your own on-site logistics, you can check out their Event Shipping Guide which will be updated soon for 2024.
02/06/2025: from Bikeflights: You can book your bike shipment days, weeks or months in advance, but you will not receive your labels until you are within 30 days of your shipment date. It’s suggested to wait until you know the exact dimensions and weight of your box or case so that you can accurately book. Please note that same-day pickups are not offered, so you will need to book any orders that require pickups at least one day in advance. For international shipments, it’s recommended to book at least five business days ahead of your anticipated ship date. This allows time to complete the necessary paperwork and pay any duties, taxes or clearance fees that are due. Please note that prices may vary over time and are subject to seasonal changes.
02/08/2025 GNO says they can ship my bike. Emailed Tammy (w/ PBV) to ask exactly where I should have it sent.
02/09/2025 From Tammy Pavich:
11:50 AM (47 minutes ago) |
Hi Cecile,
- All-day Saturday shuttles to the start town from an Omaha airport hotel (Candlewood Suites, at airport), and returning to this hotel after RAGBRAI. ONE PBV shuttle from Gettenberg, at 3 pm. Reserve a room at Candlewood for that Sat night, and fly home the next day.
- 02/08/2025 From Omaha to Orange Cty is ~140 miles. Guttenberg to Omaha is 347 miles.
- From Tammy at PBV: Hi Cecile,
I have forwarded an update published about a week ago, all about our shuttles. We DO have a shuttle from Omaha to the start town, among others.From the end, you can shuttle back to Omaha, or to an eastern airport in Moline, IL (about 2 hours from the end), or to the Des Moines Airport.There are more shuttles described in the update. Feel free to call. It would be helpful to know where you live and it’s easier sometimes to talk about it.Thanks, Cecile!
PBV tent: 02/06/2025 Hi Cecile
sent 02/06/2025: ‘m going to do RAGBRAI this year, and will be using PBV. I understand that soap and shampoo are provided with the PBV showers. Will fragrance-free products be available? What about the mid-week laundry? What kind of detergent do you use?
2025 route! Relatively short and flat this year.
2025 route! Relatively short and flat this year. 406 miles; 10,487 feel of climbing. route profile:
And what about getting BACK to N.O. after RAGBARI? How do I manage that?
- Saturday morning shuttle from a Des Moines airport hotel to the start town, and returning to this hotel after RAGBRAI.
- Post-RAGBRAI Saturday afternoon shuttle to the Quad Cities International airport.
02/07/2025 See here about 15 minutes in for discussion of SafetyWing.
Now that the RAGBRAI route is out and we’ve consulted with our bus company, our much-awaited update about SHUTTLES is here!
02/02/2025 From BBB (or was it Ryan and Beth?): The mornings are usually crowded with everyone getting started , some leave really early to get a head start to beat the crowds. By mid morning it thins out but your never alone. It’s just a sea of bikes all day. We don’t mind the crowds and usually are on the road by 7 each day. Up at 5:30 to pack tents chairs sleep pads and get out things ready. Looks like a short flat route this year.
02/05/2025 Spoke w/ Tammy (PBV). She says, my best bet would be the Omaha airport. Wheels on duffel bag are OK, but be prepared for considerable wear and tear — gravel, wet grass, etc. Allow 2 weeks for Bikeflights shipping. Do it via PBV!! Not the bike shop. And how do I get my bike shipped back home? Is BikeFlights at the end town?
See here at~36 minutes about PBV SAG charter. Re: the charging trailer, are you assigned a cubby; or is it first-come, first-served? What kind of lock do I need?
Look up Walgreen’s stores along the route, in case I need a refill!
From Ryan on 02/09/2025: Hey there,
Cell service is sketchy on the ride. At night it gets better in the towns. Our driver usually drops us a pin in text so we can find her in the meet towns. (Lunch stop).
My cell is 985-709-7558
My reply on 02/09/2025: Sounds good, thanks!
02/11/2025 Re: health insurance: Humana says, Thank you for reaching out. In this situation, Humana will provide coverage as long as there is no other liable party. For example, if you were in a car accident and it was not your fault, the other persons insurance would be the liable party… or if you fell at a store because there was a spill, the store would be liable.
02/14/2025 re: cell service: Thank you for reaching out! Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff. We will reply as soon as possible and appreciate your understanding. This message was sent to in reference to Case #00822066. [[ ref:!00Dd00iHrp.!500UO0InGxQ:r
RAGBRAI profile: Thanks for reaching out. The route will not be posted until April 1st as it is still being finalized. We’re sorry for any trouble this might cause.
02/13/2025 emailed Tammy @PBV to ask, what if I miss the Guttenberg-Omaha shuttle.
02/14/2025 reply:
02172025: From BBB — I’m not aware of any options if you miss the PBV bus. I would say keep your eye on the time during the last day and if you think you’re at risk of missing the bus, take one of the RAGBRAI SAGs into the end town. The other thing is to get a very early start on the last day to maximize your riding time, I know some folks start as early as 5:00am for that reason. Thanks for the questions and for watching. Enjoy the Ride
Re: taking salt tablets, Dr. Tebbe says: I don’t recommend them, unless you are being treated for low sodium levels. Electrolyte drinks (sports drinks) should be sufficient.
02/19/2025 messaged Dr. Tebbe re: possibly getting a booster (aka tetanus) shot before RAGBRAI. 02/20/2025 I’m up to date.
The GroupTrack Feature through the Garmin Connect app uses the LiveTrack feature to allow you to keep track of other members of your group during an activity. Once set up and a session has begun, the position of other members of your group with compatible Garmin devices will show on your Garmin device.
Pre-ride food: if no food-selling booth is open, what will I do? Ideas: 1) take along the protein bars I normally use at home. Drawback — they’ll get VERY messy! (Heat in PBV trailer will melt the coatings!) 2) GU-Gels? I don’t want to eat several at a time. 3) Maybe packets of Nuts & Chocolate? Or just plain nuts?
Emergency: Yes, we will have staff all along the course and vehicles along the route so if you are having any issues then you can speak to one of them and they will be able to help you contact someone!
Post Ride
How will I get to my transit back home? Is there a shuttle from Guttenberg that can take me to an airport or station? YES PBV Shuttle. How many times does it run; and at what time(s)? One, at 3 pm.
Where can I clean up/shower right after the ride? I don’t want to travel by train or plane while stinking to high heaven!
If I got SafetyWing, be sure to cancel if I didn’t get a temporary p0licy!!
- Pre-RAGBRAI shuttles from the end town to the start town on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning
- All-day Saturday shuttles to the start town from an Omaha airport hotel, and returning to this hotel after RAGBRAI.
- Saturday morning shuttle from a Des Moines airport hotel to the start town, and returning to this hotel after RAGBRAI.
- Post-RAGBRAI Saturday afternoon shuttle to the Quad Cities International airport.
21 hours ago