RAGBRAI 2025 Plans!

Tue 08/27/2024
Working to extend my daily rides. Did 22 yesterday, and was fine.
I emailed cyclecoach@hotmail.com. He (presumably it’s “he”) says I likely won’t need my Camel-Bak, because water stops are frequent. If I don’t use the CB for water, I can use it for toilet paper. Portapotties don’t always have it — and if I have to “do my business” in the corn, well, corn leaves just won’t do!
Practice longer and longer distances/times in HARD gears. Or pushing hard into a stiff headwind. The climbs on RAGBRAI can vary from 6-15% gradient!
Posted in to NOBC (N.O. Bicycle Club) in FB. Maybe somebody there has some valuable input.
GNO says, some group in N.O. has done RAGBRAI. I could do w/ meeting other riders to practice group riding; and maybe even learn to draft!
I might not need to carry food; but a supply of emergency energy bars won’t hurt.
Use a charter services, like — Pork Belly, is it?
Sun, 03/26/23
Get more comfortable with riding one-handed using my left hand. Learning to ride no-hands wouldn’t hurt, either.
What about cash for buying food along the way? How much will I need? They say, allow as much as $50 per day per person! Better get small bills in advance. Make special arrangements at the bank?
How can I post blogs from my cell phone? Send pics to my laptop?
Sat, 04/08/23
RAGBRAI Training: Over the Hill Gang
duffel bag
two spare tubes
two spare tires
leg covers arm covers
lot of sunblock!
lots of Chamois Butt’r
2-3 pairs shorts 2-3 jerseys
GU-Gels energy bars
sleeping bag
chargeable charger
inflatable mattress pump?
pillow cooling cloth
Nuun w/ caffeine
Fiber Thins rain jacket
folding camp bowl/spork
mini broom/dustpan
toy shovel for cornfield “go”?
stand for road bike?
combo lock for charging sta.
camp chair spare cleats
spare rear derailer hanger
7 pairs shorts 3-4 jerseys
9 pairs socks bike shoes
sneakers flip-flops
pump BIKE!!!
soap shampoo
Rx’s notebook
pens GU-Gels
pro bars jacket
helmet helm liner
arm warms leg warms
sun sleeves sunblock
sunglasses reg specs
folding cup T-brush
brush & comb
off-bike clothes (2 sets)
masks camping bowl/spork
ziplock bags gloves
T-brush, T-paste, floss, pics
toilet paper!!
paper towels (some cut in
anti-bac liquid
water bottles; C-back
cell and charger cable
Garmin and cable
earplugs stocking cap
SPF lip balm bandaids
bike lock?
fan and batteries
extra 2032 batteries
Extra D batteries
baseball cap spare cleats
combo lock pump
tennis ball (for massage)
getting to and from Iowa
food and souvirs (h0w much per day? Allow $50?)