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Of course this means bicycles. There are many to choose from! The SpokEasy Store offers a variety of “rides” for ages 10 months and up. We also have “adjunct hardware”, such as lights and mirrors.

And So On…
…and so forth, with all the things related to my cycling adventures; but that don’t fit neatly into my other categories.
It would be irresponsible of SpokEasy to omit mention of safety. We need to do as much as we can to keep ourselves safe while cycling.
Then there’s all the stuff I’ve wound up using as a cyclist. When I first began riding, I never imagined that I’d be using so many of these things! Togs, for example.
Of course, while putting in thousands of miles, I noticed other kinds of bikes: bents; tandems; and more!
Many cyclists have children; and there are a number of items for kids. Let the little ones get started early on a lifetime of a healthful habit.
Oh, and food! If you’re going to be doing long rides, adequate fueling is important. Hydration is, if anything, even more important. In addition to on-bike eating, I experiment in the kitchen with off-bike food. It’s fun to see what I can come up with! You may browse my recipes at the