
Cooking Tips 🫕

cooking tips cookin' spokeasy kitchen page

It’s all very well to invent recipes, and to share them online. Sometimes I forget that there may be readers who are not familiar with stovetop cooking. Similarly, I’m not all that comfortable with microwave cooking!  

If you’re new to cooking, begin with simple dishes. Read the recipe carefully, several times, before you actually start to prepare it.

Be sure you have what you need. Will you need more than one pot? Are the pots that you have big enough? If the recipe makes far more than you want, can you halve it? Is it something that will freeze well? If so, you can store some in the freezer for another time.

If you don’t have an ingredient, can you substitute something that you already have? For example, can you use parsley in place of basil? Need yogurt for a mashed potato recipe, but don’t have any? Use some of the cooking water! These steps can prevent frantic trips to the store!

Cooking Dried Legumes

Cooking Grains

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