Training Up 🚴♀️

In late 2011 I began earnest preparation for a 100 mile ride — on an adult tricycle. I had read quite a lot about the importance of proper nutrition and hydration on long rides; and I took along various snacks and drinks to try while on my Sunday long rides. I needed to know what tasted good during long rides; and what would work.
For example, I quickly discovered that cold weather does not keep chocolate in any form from getting very messy on a sunny day. Some foods became distasteful late in long rides, and I might even get tired of eating; and some electrolyte drinks tend to taste too strong as the miles rack up. I also needed to scout out places where I could make pit stops; and buy water and snacks if needed.
With the week-to-week increasing mileage I naturally noticed the wind much more; and the constant battle with it was both frustrating and exhausting. In fact, the wind that season seemed to be unusually strong and persistent. Or maybe I just noticed it more than I ever had because of the wind resistance caused by my “ride”. Whichever it was, I decided I needed some assistance in fighting that wind; especially with a 100-miler coming up.
Getting Some Assistance 🩼
Early in 2012, I had the trike fitted with a three-speed hub. No gain without sacrifice, as the saying goes: the three-speed meant no longer having a freewheel; but it gave me a lower gear that let me spin at a higher cadence while working against the wind. I must say, though, that coaster brake was a nuisance!
Although such spinning made me feel out of breath faster, it was easier on my legs. I also had a higher gear that let me push harder and go faster the rare times when it wasn’t windy; or when I had a good tailwind. On occasion I’d manage to hit 15 mph!
Several weeks later I was out riding, and it was another breezy day. It took me almost four hours to cover 31.35 miles. I noted that, at that rate, I’d need at least thirteen hours to complete a century. Prophetic words, as it turned out. It was at about the same time that I was introduced to the concept of interval training. I did what I could in the few weeks remaining before the planned century, which unfortunately wasn’t much.
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