

Tour de Cure 2018 🩸

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Ride to help defeat diabetes!

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Big ride today!

November 3, 2018 was the big ride: Tour de Cure!

I got up at the unearthly hour of 4:10 am, so I could make my final preparations at leisure. The Camel-Bak reservoir needed to be filled. I cut up some Clif Bars for easy on-bike eating. Then I got dressed for the ride.

I did the long route. My bicycle computer showed the distance to be 61.40 miles. Roll time was 5:00:05; average speed, 12.28 mph. 

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At the start, it was cool enough for leg warmers, vest + cycling jacket, and skull cap. By the time I reached the halfway point, I could remove the leg warmers; cycling jacket; and skull cap. Of course that meant I needed to use more sunblock!

By then the breeze had picked up. It made pedaling back to the start quite a chore! As if the headwind weren’t enough, I ran into some kind of  fund-raising walk that was taking up the entire path. It seemed to take forever to struggle past it. With 3-4 miles left to go, I suddenly felt extremely tired. Bonking, I figured, and I had to stop to take a breather and eat something.

And then, a mile or so before the finish, I got caught by a freight train! If not for those delays, I would have finished 15-20 minutes sooner. As it was, I made it with just two minutes to spare.

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But I made it! So what if that makes me the Lanterne Rouge? So what if being the Lanterne Rouge is a dubious honor? I MADE IT!!

Speaking of rouge, aka red, let’s not forget to give a big hurrah for the Red Riders; TdC riders who have diabetes. And thanks to the volunteers who check in participants; staff the rest stops; and so on. They make it possible for us riders to just do the big ride!

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I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story.

I live in New Orleans; and  retired in January 2023. More time for cycling!

Website designed by Cecile Levert

© This website is the property of its author.


I am not a cycling coach; nor a health professional. This site is based on my own experiences, opinions, etc. If you need help, please consult the appropriate professional.





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