

Squashed Sauce 🧄

squashed sauce cookin spokeasy

July 24, 2021

Squashed sauce is an old one for me; but now I’ve made it with a new twist: I added chopped red cabbage! But why “squashed” sauce? It has squash in it; and I’ve typically made it to use as pasta sauce. Prediabetes prompted me to cut out pasta almost entirely; and even though I got my A1c levels back down below the prediabetes level, I still have to watch it.

28 oz can diced tomatoes

6.5 oz can mushroom stems and pieces, well drained

1 pound zucchini, chopped (about 3.5 cups)

2 cups chopped red cabbage

1 cup chopped red onion*

salt and pepper to taste

Put all ingredients in a large pot. Heat to boiling, stirring frequently. Turn heat down to a simmer; cook for 10 minutes, stirring often.

Yield: about 6.5 cups.

Per one cup serving;  97 calories; 11.2 grams carbs

*I planned to use the onion;  but forgot to do so! Otherwise, this probably would have made more like 7 cups.

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