

Wild Saturday 🌾

Wild Saturday spokeasy recipes kitchen page

July 20, 2024

Have you ever had a wild Saturday? This concoction — another Hoppin’ John variation — looks pretty wild to me; and today is Saturday!

I’ve got some wild rice that I need to use up (albeit not the Lundberg  blend); and I have to use up the brown rice and dried beans I have. When I need to get creative, I can get rather, well, wild.

1/2 cup raw wild rice

3/4 cup raw long-grain brown rice

3/4 cup dry garbanzo beans

3/4 cup dry pinto beans

1 cup coarsely chopped celery

15 oz can diced tomatoes, well drained

1 cup coarsely chopped sweet onion

1/2 cup coarsely chopped red bell pepper

1 1/2 oz Monterry Jack cheese, chopped

freshly ground white pepper; parsely flakes; marjoram; and salt to taste

Sort and rinse the dry beans. Soak in water to cover plus one inch, 8 hours or overnight. Drain and freeze.

Cook the wild rice and brown rice together in 2 3/4 cups water.  Set aside.

Put the frozen beans and the celery in a 2-quart pot with water just to cover. Cook until the beans are al dente, about 15-20 minutes.

Drain the cooked beans, reserving liquid for your next soup. Stir the cheese into the hot beans, stirring to blend well. Add the seasonings; tomatoes; onion; and bell pepper. Last, stir in the cooked rice.

Yield: ~11 3/4 cups

Per 1 cup: 159 calories; 31 grams carbs