Spinach Sweet Potato Jack 🍠

June 8, 2021
Here is a variation on a recipe I found in a vegetarian cookbook from the ADA. This ought to have a good dose of beta-carotene in it!
2 lbs sweet potatoes, peeled and cut in chunks
1 16-oz bag frozen spinach, thawed
2 oz grated Monterrey Jack cheese
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
salt and pepper to taste
3/4 cup plain yogurt
1 1/4 cups chopped red onion
Put the sweet potatoes in a pot, with water to cover. Cook until tender.
Squeeze as much liquid as possible out of the spinach. (Save that juice for a soup or beanpot).
When the sweet potatoes are done, drain them and transfer them to a large mixing bowl. Mash them, adding a small amount of the cooking liquid as needed.
Add the grated cheese, stirring well to let it melt. Stir in yogurt, nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Mix in the chopped onion, then stir in the spinach.
Makes about 8 cups.
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