Safety 🦺

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Safety First, they always say; and a cycling web site would be incomplete without some discussion of the subject. Most people know the basics: always wear a helmet; ride predictably; make yourself visible; and use hand signals. This author rides away from traffic as much as possible; partly because of sensitivity to both noise and exhaust fumes. It’s also more fun, and more relaxing, to ride when you don’t have to watch out for moving motor vehicles; opening car doors; and so on.
As to visibility, use both headlights and tail lights. Blinkies; red for the back of the helmet, and white for the left wrist; are a good idea as well. Wear light or brightly colored clothing, including helmet color; and a reflective vest is wise, especially if you will be riding near motor traffic.
The early stages of learning bicycling skills require one’s full concentration; so a beginning cyclist needs a place away from traffic. If you’re lucky enough to live near a park with a walking/cycling path, head for the park. Or look for a parking lot that you can use when things aren’t busy.
In addition to pot holes and rough surfaces, there are road hazards even if you’re on a bike path without motor traffic; especially if you ride in the dark. Once I nearly hit an opossum that I didn’t notice until the last moment. I had looked away from the path for only a few seconds. I don’t think I missed that critter by more than a foot. And I thought I was good at watching where I was riding! It didn’t help that it was foggy as well as dark. It just goes to show, never let your guard down.
By the way, I see that the above pic shows adults riding bicycles without helmets! To me, that’s an illustration of what NOT to do!