

Pizzacchini 🍕

pizzacchini cookin spokeasay pizza zucchini

I think up crazy names, don’t I? 

October 10, 2021

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Pizzacchini? What crazy name won’t I invent next?

Actually, Pizzacchini isn’t so far-fetched. I’ve got the can of pizza sauce; and I’ve got some zucchini. Why not combine them? As you might guess, this is an offshoot of Squashed Sauce. Everything shown here is from the salvage store; and I’ve got to use up some of that stuff!

15-oz can pizza sauce

8-oz can tomato sauce

4-oz (drained weight) mushrooms

1 lb zucchini, chopped (about 3 1/2 cups)

 1 cup chopped white onion

3/4 cup chopped celery (not shown)

1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper (not shown)

Put all ingredients in a large pot. Bring to bubbling over medium heat, stirring frequently. Turn down the heat; let simmer until vegetables are tender. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Yield: 6 cups

Per 1 cup: 86 calories; 17 g carb

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