If you do a lot if riding, clothing designed especially for cycling makes your rides more comfortable. The “big three” are shorts; jerseys; and jackets.
Like cycling shorts, cycling jerseys are more comfortable in hot weather than regular clothing. Jerseys cost even more than cycling shorts; so I try to reserve them for long, warm-weather rides. That’s why, as of February 2024, I still have the very first jersey I bought in 2012!
A cycling jersey has two, or sometimes three, rear pockets. Some riders fill those pockets with Clif Bars, bananas, and so on. Not I. When I go on a ride long enough that I must take along food, I also need my Camel-Bak; and the Camel-Bak covers up the jersey pockets. I carry my on-bike food in a top-tube pouch. It’s much easier to get than if I have to reach behind myself for a jersey pocket.
Jackets are indispensable for cold-day rides. But not a bulky quilted jacket! A cycling jacket needs to be non-bulky; and it’s needs to be thin enough that you can have several layers. A single, heavy coat is likely to make you overheat; but if you take it off, you might get too cold!
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