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You may follow Blogs for my day-to-day rides; musings; and various minutiae.

What did I see while riding? I’ve seen bald eaglesand one such sighting was the inspiration for one of my recipes.

Did I see a ship on the river; and what flag was it flying? I like flags. I’ve seen Malta; the Marshall Islands; and more!

What was the weather like? Did I make good headway against a headwind? Was it below freezing, resulting in very cold feet?

Archives lets you take a look farther back. Well, a few months back. I wish it were possible to view blog posts from the time I first began blogging. That’s a long way back; as far as 2016!

I remember composing a blog about Achilles’ Heel, for example. It went something like, “Have you ever noticed that one particular part of your bicycle gives you more trouble than the rest of the machine put together?” (In the case of my road bike, it’s the rear derailer hanger).

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