

Back at the Ranch 🤠

Back at the Ranch spokeasy amazon spokeasy kitchen page blog

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November 10, 2023

Here it is, the latest Hoppin’ John variation! I needed to get rid of a few cans; and this took care of three.

Back at the Ranch spokeasy amazon kitchen page
Back at the Ranch spokeasy amazon spokeasy kitchen page blog

1 1/4 cups raw, long-grain brown rice

2 1/2 cups water

1 cup coarsely chopped celery (about 2 large stalks)

2-3 large cloves garlic, minced

1 1/2 oz grated mozzarella cheese

1/4 cup plain, lowfat yogurt

2, 15-oz cans Ranch Style Beans, drained

1, 15-oz can diced tomatoes, drained

1 cup coarsely chopped red onion

1 tsp ground cumin

salt and freshly ground white pepper to taste

1/2 cup coarsely chopped red bell pepper

aroma housewares rice cooker spokeasy amazon etcetera cooking equipment shop store

Cook the rice in the water on the stovetop; or, if you prefer, use a rice cooker. Set aside.

Cook the Ranch Style Beans with the celery (you’ll need about 2 cups of water) and minced garlic until the celery is al dente. Drain.

While the beans are still hot, stir in the mozzarella cheese until it melts. Add the yogurt; cumin, salt, and pepper; the diced tomatoes; and the onion and bell pepper. Fold in the rice.

Yield: about 11 cups.

Per 1 cup serving: ~186 calories; ~32 grams carbs